Colloidal Silver and Gold with Bruce McBurney from Himac Research (

Colloidal Silver and Gold with Bruce McBurney from Himac Research (


Colloidal Silver is a proven natural antibiotic alternative, an important fact when traditional antibiotics are increasingly ineffective due to over prescribing by medical professionals. And the effects of colloidal gold in combating aging and depression are truly worth investigating. Bruce McBurney (discusses how his high-voltage process produces much more effective colloidal solutions.

Sadly, Bruce experienced a fatal heart attack shortly after doing this interview. But colloidal generators are still available at
When properly prepared, colloidal silver is a completely non-toxic, tasteless, internally and externally applicable, broad-spectrum germ fighter and disinfectant which can significantly reduce the length and severity of many bacterial infections For these reasons and more, colloidal silver should prove to be one of the greatest discoveries in preventive, natural health care of all time.

Recorded live with Hugh Reilly and Sandra Kyrzakos on Liquid Lunch at (2015-03m-27

Get Silver Wings Colloidal Silver HERE!

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